ESG Risk Quarterly

The ESG Risk Quarterly #41: ECOFACT’s briefing for risk experts

Recently, subscribers received the 41st issue of the ESG Risk Quarterly, the briefing on environmental and social risks, best practices, and risk assessment tools. You can find the free sample report attached below, which contains approximately 25% of the content and features news items such as:

  • Spotlight on Engagement, long considered a critical tool for risk assessment, but the debate on it continues to evolve.
  • The Policy Sector in Focus is renewable energy. You will find an overview of some of the diverse concerns about this sector that received attention in the previous quarter
  • Managing Director Olivier Jaeggi discusses the insurance industry’s net-zero efforts in his Editorial.
  • … and more!

To receive a complimentary copy of the complete report, or to subscribe, please contact our team at  or call us on +41 58 520 20 00.

The ESG Risk Quarterly

Subscribe to the ESG Risk Quarterly, our ESG briefing covering high risk sectors, emerging risks and how your peers are responding.

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