ESG Risk Management

We guide you through the steps needed to execute appropriate environmental and human rights due diligence (often referred to as ESG due diligence):

  • Develop and revise policies and processes aligned with your goals, your risk appetite, and the relevant standards and regulations
  • Understand ESG issues and how they might affect you
  • Be prepared for internal and external discussions and decision-making

Manage your risks appropriately

Environmental and human rights due diligence is increasingly becoming mandatory across the globe; international standards such as those issued by the OECD are evolving.

Moreover, being linked to controversial environmental and human rights issues may lead to financial losses, reputational damage, regulatory sanctions, or expose you to litigation.

We support risk management departments, as well as legal and compliance units, in establishing the necessary frameworks to conduct risk assessment that aligns with both internal and external expectations. We also assess potentially controversial clients, transactions, corporate partnerships, and other business relationships in addition to providing assessments at the country and/or sector level.

Due diligence is a time sensitive task. We offer quick turnaround times and deliverables that you can use immediately, with templates and concepts tailored to your business processes.

Our ESG risk expertise

  • We develop, revise, and support the implementation of due diligence frameworks as well as the assessment of potentially controversial companies, sectors, and countries.
  • We create strategies, policies, and processes to address environmental and human rights at entity and transaction levels are tailored to your risk appetite and compliance culture.
  • We can help you conduct ESG due diligence for transactions in sensitive sectors, such as palm oil and mining, or involving controversial products, such as weapons or food commodities, in various countries. These assessments cover all types of transactions, potential and existing client relationships and partnerships, as well as equity and debt investments.
  • We develop strategy papers to support organizations in the assessment of environmental and human rights issues, for example when financing companies in sensitive countries or when investing in sensitive sectors.
  • We provide risk briefing notes related to environmental and human rights issues in a specific country or sector.

Portfolio Screening

Tailored to you

All reports are 100 percent tailored to your institution’s criteria and risk appetite as well as to your objectives.



Know what to consider

We work with you to define criteria that are in line with international and national standards, and determine your own unique tolerance to risk as an asset owner, lender, or underwriter.

See what requires attention take action

We screen client portfolios as well as equity and debt portfolios consisting of both listed and non-listed entities. Once high-risk positions have been identified, appropriate action can be taken. We provide advice regarding engagement and exclusion strategies at the level of individual companies or entire portfolios.

We have more than 15 years of experience in helping organizations manage environmental and human rights risks in their relationships with other companies (e.g. in loan or investment portfolios).

Contact Our Experts

Nina Reiser
Climate and ESG Risk Specialist

+41 58 520 20 12

Olivier Jaeggi
Managing Director

+41 58 520 20 25

An excellent collaboration - great research capabilities, high quality outputs and quick turnaround times.

Head of E&S Risk at a leading international bank

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