Help is here! Implement the CSDDD cost-effectively
The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) is a European Union regulatory framework designed to promote responsible business practices across industries and chain of activities. Member states must transpose it by July 26, 2026, and its requirements will apply to more companies over time as it is phased in between 2027 and 2030.
For some, the directive is heralded as a gold-standard approach for ensuring companies understand and are accountable for their effects on the environment and society. The directive’s many detailed requirements may strike fear in the hearts of others because the complexity means it is harder to avoid mistakes.
ECOFACT’s clients are not the only companies worried about understanding the finer points of the directive. Companies all over the world are scrambling for resources to get a handle on what will be expected of them in a few years’ time. And yes, the CSDDD has implications for non-EU companies and non-EU parent companies that are active in the Union.
Reduce your compliance burden
Your company may need a step-by-step guide that translates the directive’s requirements into easily understandable action items, or it may need help assessing readiness to meet the directive’s expectations. ECOFACT has developed a solution to streamline compliance efforts for all starting points.
Our CSDDD support package is well-suited for:
- companies new to sustainability due diligence, or those with limited experience; and
- companies with existing sustainability due diligence processes.
The centerpiece of the support package is a ready-to-use rule map produced by our team of legal experts who closely monitor regulatory requirements and their implications for companies (see Figure 1). The rule map and accompanying resources provide curated inputs to support your development of in-house expertise; all deliverables can be tailored to your needs.

ECOFACT’s support package demystifies the CSDDD and offers:
- an ideal starting point for internal discussions, allowing your organization to define the scope of its implementation work and decide what can be done internally, before engaging an external advisor; and
- a systematic approach to understanding CSDDD requirements, helping you to identify priorities and gaps and enabling you to produce an implementation plan that fits your organization and its culture.
What you get
Your time-saving package includes the following resources:
- A summary presentation that creates common understanding within your organization of sustainability due diligence-related objectives, frameworks, and definitions, providing an overview of the directive and an introduction to key concepts to help start internal conversations.
- A rule map that breaks down the CSDDD requirements into easily understandable action items to help you identify gaps in your current processes and organize your implementation project. The rule map highlights links to other EU regulations with sustainability due diligence components, national due diligence regulations that pre-date the CSDDD, and international standards (e.g. OECD, UN) These insights will help you identify similarities and differences with other regulations your organization may already adhere to.
- An overview of national laws (pending) that highlights important differences between the CSDDD and its transposition into the national laws of the 10 largest EU markets: Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and Sweden (pending final transposition in these countries).
- Four hours of individual support calls that allow for one-on-one consultation with our legal experts.
Ready to turn CSDDD complexity into clarity? Book a demo of our CSDDD implementation package at