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Maria Castillo
Senior ESG Risk Advisor

Maria Castillo leads and supports a variety of ESG risk advisory projects, including providing climate-related advice to financial institutions. In addition to steering a range of ESG due diligence projects, she contributes to ECOFACT’s Monitoring Peer Policies program, analyzing and benchmarking the environmental and social risk policies of leading financial institutions. Maria specializes in climate change, nature, and fossil fuels-related topics and in helping financial institutions to benchmark and optimize their sustainability governance structures.  

 Before joining ECOFACT, Maria was a financial analyst and managed sustainable projects in developing countries. She has worked for private and public institutions, creating cost and impact assessment tools as well as interactive training modules. Maria holds a master’s degree in sustainability and consultancy from the University of Leeds in the UK and a bachelor’s degree in senior management and business administration.

December 9, 2024
Sustainable finance and the circular economy: Opportunities for financial institutions

Highlighting how financial institutions can drive the circular economy through sustainable financing strategies, based on our analysis of financial institutions

October 23, 2023
Financial institutions’ climate disclosures are evolving

In our latest blogpost, we look at how financial institutions’ climate disclosures are evolving.

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